Sunday, September 19, 2010

Samsung the first company outside the consortium with the Micro Four Thirds interchangeable lens camera, start now mirrorless. with smaller lenses and DSLR-NX10 significantly less fuss made about the construction mirrorless family capbilities and provides a smaller body focusing on behavior. NX100 model has a slightly different approach now, brethren - that, and NX10 traditional-style compact camera instead of a simple silhouette in front of her lap. It's something solid in a minimalist style, as do their peers in size, and almost clear - GF1 Panasonic and Olympus E-P2 is the same.
previously announced Samsung 20-50mm F3.5-5.6 for the camera's compact size "compact, the NX100 comes zooming. This is a retractable so immediately kit reminiscent of 14-42mm Olympus Micro Four Thirds zoom zoom. The image stabilization is not, and 30 mm as equivalent, the kit zoom (27 or 28 mm equivalent), but this camera does not mean that the package is not as flexible as you tend to stay nice and small, and even zoom mounted.
NX10 main spec so similar - I, VGA fine equivalent to the 14.6-megapixel sensor, battery and OLED display features and tweaks available, but a number of benefits that the owners are expecting NX10 to receive future firmware updates. However, one omission worthy of note - NX100 is the embedded flash.
Probably the major features of the Samsung i-gain function is called. NX100 published two lenses - there are 20 mm F2.8 principal and 20-50mm - both an 'focus rings have a permit to control the various functions of their IFN button on the left side of the camera. IFN-up mode, depending on shutter speed, aperture and ISO options and plans to use the camera, depending on how the exposure and white balance adjustment can be used to add.
In addition, the camera will help you become more customizable a series of changes - the camera will use a higher ISO Auto ISO selection, for example. themselves, these small changes, but to better tailor the machine to work your way up the kind of options that users have permission, what I want to see


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